December traditions continue asthe Queen gave her annual Christmas broadcast yesterday( for the first time, in 3D)Today is Boxing Day,much like Black Friday in the USFragrant and winter floweringViburnum x bodnantenseWinter has its trademark stamp ofsoft grey, mauve, peach skiesandbare trees reveali…
We have a winner!

As promised, I'm back to announce the winner of my giveaway. I'm happy to say that the lovely WENDY CALDWELL is the lucky winner! Congratulations Wendy, you've received your recent Etsy order FREE! I'll drop you a line with all the details....…
Christmas In England
The Christmas season comes earlier to England than to the USIn England, it creeps in as early as November 5thafter Guy Fawkes NightIn the US, the season officially kicks off after Thanksgiving(end of November)Although England is ethnically diverse(especially in and around London)there is no politica…
I'm shutting up shop for the year....

With Christmas almost upon us, the elves are working at full speed to get all my last Etsy orders posted. So if you've anything like me, and you've still got a few last-minute gifts to buy, don't worry - there's still time! But be quick - you only have until close of business tomorrow to get 20% off…
Snapshot Of London In December

London, all dressed-up for the holidays!'Twelve Days Of Christmas' this year on Regent StreetThanks to my sisterI discovered a new area, St Christopher's PlaceCarnaby Street is always a fun place to wanderAnd lovely Liberty is adorned with simple greeneryThis month has been busy, as December always …
Frosty England

I've never been a big fan of winterbut my kids areI'm one step closer to loving this season for all that England has shown me...Making the most of every dayregardless of weatherEach day is a weather adventure- snow, rain, sun, clouds, fog, or frost -Look for moreFrozen spiderwebs look like icicles d…
So, what do you think?

So the colour of the year for 2013 is Emerald Green, according to Pantone. I was quite surprised actually, as the early money was on Monaco Blue - and as you know, it's one of my favourites. But I have to say, I do love Emerald - it's strong and distinctive and not for the feint-hearted. Used wisely…
Film Locations: The Holiday & Bridget Jones

A few months agoI asked you what questions you have for meFor a while I've been chewing on this question from Debi at A Tale of Two Cities...Do you have suggestions for cute towns that would begreat day trips for us London gals wanting to get out of the city sometimes?We've been to all the tourist s…
'Vintiquing' In England
Portobello RoadI almost wrote 'Nervous Nellie' when the form asked my name,as I registered as a buyer at an antique auction housealong with experienced antique dealersWhat had I gotten myself into?The nice man gave me my numbered card to raise during the auction(could I exchange it for my favorite n…