Posted By Happy Homemaker UKSometimes I feel like Alice in Wonderland,for I am in constant wonderat how much there is to do in this small countryHere's a list I'm chipping away at,knowing I won't ever do it all...1. Learn to surf at the Extreme Academy, Watergate Bay, Cornwall2. Try sandboarding in …
Stairway To Norway

With a few weeks before school startedI decided to take the kids somewherewhile my husband stayed behind to workWhere could I travel safely and easily with two kids in tow?- Norway -We started our trip in Bergen,Norway's second largest cityI couldn't get enough of these letterboxesAs the crowns indi…
A New Flag In Our Midst?

Posted by Happy Homemaker UKBeing a flag nerd,I can identify most national flagsaround the worldBut this one took me by surprise which I saw wavingtwice during the Summer OlympicsThe Silver Fern (not a feather)Besides the flag of Cornwall (England)and the Jolly Roger,I couldn't recall seeing another…
Olympic Beach Volleyball

Posted by Happy Homemaker UKOn The Mall looking toward Buckingham PalaceOur final Olympic event to attendwas Men's Beach Volleyballand WOW! was the venue spectacular!(click photo to really appreciate the view)It was a mark of brilliance to set up this temporary stadiumat the Horse Guards ParadeAnd t…
A Day At The Olympic Park
Posted By Happy Homemaker UKHeadlines of yesterday's newsMy first and last chance to visit The Olympic Parkduring the Games...A night to remember!As if you were by my side,here's 'our' highlightsEnjoy!Walking Out Of Tube StationGates remain open for a speedy exitPink signage everywhereCrowds flow ou…