RecentlyI was approached by Expats Blogfor an interviewI figured, why not?I try to find the right balance of what to share personally online,and I've revealed a little more about me in this interview with Expats BlogI hope you enjoy it :)…
Weekend In Photos
Another weekend has passed,captured within a few imagesI love the view from Holmbury Hill ofthe Weald of Surrey and SussexThe Weald crosses Sussex, Hampshire, Kent, and SurreyWhat was once a vast forest is now a picture-perfect landscape of scattered farms and villagesWhile the rain melted the snow …
Snow Days

The weekend was filled with snow playand a wintry walkMonday brought loud cheers when school cancelled due to road conditionsBy Tuesday,the roads had clearedso I hopped, skipped, jumped to Sir Harold Hillier Gardens,one of the biggest 'Winter Gardens' in Europecovering three acres with 650 different…
Snow, England Style
Wondering what to post this weekend,my answer came from the sky...SNOWIt doesn't snow 'big' or oftenin this part of EnglandSo beautiful to witness the landscape clothed in whiteThatched housesFields and farmsUp aheadand behindMy kids were thrilledschool was let out early yesterdayAh.... snow days!Dr…
Tips To Defrost A Windscreen
I am a bit intrigued as to why English drivershave frost-free cars on a chilly morningHaving lived in snow country,I am a bit embarrassed to say I still haven't graduated fromusing a plastic card to scrape my car before my mad dash to get to school on timeAs most of the English do not park in their …
Fun Photo Apps
Photo of phone booth using Percolator AppTwenty years ago, a smartphone would have seemed to be technology from a James Bond moviewith its infinite gadgets in the palm of your handInteractive map, flashlight, mirror, video camera,compass, translator, encyclopedia, and phoneReally quite astounding, e…
Reading Tea Leaves

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me” ~ C.S. Lewiscredit: Le PétrinHaving heard here the common phrase'reading tea leaves',I had to investigate what that was all about'Tasseography' is the fortune telling method of reading tea leaves,possibly practiced in Eng…
Forest Dens

Take a walk through any Surrey forest,you are likely to stumble upon one of thesePlay dens are made by children with their families,gathering nearby branches to prop against a treePossibly standing for decades,a passerby may add to the pileSuch a delightful playground accessory to any forest :)Relat…
Scrambled States Of America Game

We've heard from other expat American familiesthat while their children may receive a more global education,a strong US geography base might be lackingClever Santa delivered a family game this yearwhich teaches (or reviews) US state locations, capitals, and state nicknamesWe played it on our vacatio…