I was surprised how much I thoroughly enjoyed visitingthe Globe Theatre in London(yep, even in the rain)The theatre was exactly how I imagined- in the round with an open-air thatched roof -They are a little leery of thatched roofs in Londonsince much of the city burned down in 1666due to those highl…
Charles Darwin's Home
A few months agoI visited Charles Darwin's homeYou know when you learn so muchthat you need to put the informationthrough a sieve to see what gives the biggest impression?While walking in the footsteps of such an iconic scientist,here's a few things I took away from my visit1) Charles's father didn'…
Yellow Country Lanes
Right nowyou may get lucky and find yourself driving by a field of rapeseedin EnglandLike anticipating each holiday,I always look forward to seeing this cropbefore it is harvested for its vegetable oil(known as Canola in North America)Here is what it looks like from an airplaneHello, 'yellow brick r…
A Little Garden Humor
In Bloom
My camera was very busy last month forwe had three months of blooming crushed into just one monthdue to the third coldest Spring on recordFrom camellias to primroses,daffodils to tulips,from rhododendrons to rapeseed fields,bluebells to buttercups- typically, each slowly savored -Nature has been pla…